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Writer's pictureAlyssa Moylan

Various Steps to Installing a Hot Water System

Updated: Oct 9, 2023

Are you looking to install a hot water system? Well, this is an easy task which you can do on your own. By doing so, you will save money on the installation work. Proper hot water installation will let you enjoy hot water and also allows you to save money on energy bills. If your hot showers just end in showering lukewarm water, you need to install a new hot water system and replace the old one. It is better to choose the recirculation system for hot water since it is more efficient and instantaneous. Hot water system is a fabulous way to conserve and save on natural resources. The use of hot water recirculation system will allow a family to save 10,000 gallons of water in a year. This is very good for the environment.

If your hot water system is more than 12 years old, you must make sure to get it replaced. As per the best plumbing companies are concerned, the lifespan of tank-style gas water heater is 10-12 years. If you use it for more than 12 years, the system will be inefficient making a rise in energy bills and it can also waste a lot of water. When installing a hot water system, first you need to get hold of the efficient system. The cost of the water heater and its installation relies on the kind of unit you are using and on what you want to use in place of that. Let us check out the steps for hot water installation.

Step by Step Guide To Hot Water Installation

  1. Before you even start the process of hot water installation, you must shut off the unit to stop the water supply. You can just shut down the valve of the water line and ensure that the gas line is switched off as well. This can be simply done by turning the knob of the gas line. Make sure that the knob of the gas line stays perpendicular to the gas line. If the old heater is electrical, just plug it off.

  2. Just connect the hose to the valve of the drain. You need to place the hose just near to the outside location. Open the drain valve to allow the water to drain out.

  3. Unscrew or loosen the water inlet along with the water outflow fixture. You may find this located at the top of the water heater. Make use of pipe wrench for the task. Now, unscrew fitting for the gas line in a similar manner.

  4. The next step is very easy. Open up the old heater and just discard it. In place of the old heater, you need to install the new one. Make sure the controls are easily accessible.

  5. Screw on the inlet line to the outlet. You may again use the wrenches for this task. Now, open the water lines to fill up the tank.

  6. With the use of wrenches, you need to connect the tank to the gas line. For those who use electrical mains, they may now put on the mains.

Should you Hire a Professional?

It is very true that installing hot water system is easy but to save time and effort, you may get in touch with a professional for hot water installation. You will get professional services from a qualified and licensed individual. You may not be aware of all the safety features of the heater. An improperly installed heater can pose a serious threat to the lives of the ones staying inside the home. So, a professional is advisable to be summoned.

Make sure you buy an energy efficient hot water system to save money on the energy bills. Electrical work is necessary and proper venting has to be considered.

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